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19 January 2005



All attempts to seduce - v.tr. 3. attract, allure, entice (seduced by the smell of coffee..or quacamole) - are heretofore abandoned. One glance at your blog and all I wish to do is sit at your knee and learn. Wine, jazz, geopolitics, Iggy Pop, the Bill of Rights...I could listen for hours. These are a few of my favorite Coltranes of thought. And maybe I could even contribute something. I mean, we've both written for the Times! And I contributed to a travel guide! (Frommer's) You even have a Creative Commons License, all about which I've read in Wired. I may not have an MFA but I'm an MF'er in so many respects.
We should get together again soon, because now I'm dying to tell you all about me (from which I gracefully demurred at first opportunity...I get points for that, don't I?)
Wait - other visitors to CQ can read this. Delete it immediately!

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